Amazing Vistas in Pacific Marlin!
If Amazing Vistas is what you’re striving for in a…
Property ID :
These are 7 flat parcels, with incredible views of San Juan Del Sur. Each approximately 1/4 acre. Electricity and Water. Owners do not want me to publish the price for all 7. But it is a steal. At this price you could sit on them and or build them out. Houses , condos apartments or? Accessed by paved roads. May be the best buy ever?They are for sale only as a unit not separately US number 707 501 9240 whats app from US 011 505 8423 2010
Scan Aug 30, 2019, 9.24 AM (1)Scan Aug 30, 2019, 9.24 AM (1)
If Amazing Vistas is what you’re striving for in a…